Industry Partnerships - Women & Leadership New Zealand

Over the past two years, over 500 associations and professional bodies have helped to recognise our important role in creating active communities and developmental opportunities to support practical and tangible outcomes around gender equity by actively promoting WLNZ’s work throughout their industry. The breadth and sustainability of this support is testament to a widespread commitment from Australasian industry to drive real, long-term change. Whilst we still have a lot of work ahead of us, together with industry we hope to position New Zealand as a global leader in gender equity in the workplace.​

At a tangible level, the investment by industry in actively promoting the WLNZ agenda and its leadership development streams enables WLNZ to reduce barriers for women by offering significant discounts on program fees through industry scholarships. In addition, WLNZ can offer interest-free payment plans to program enrolees.​

WLNZ acknowledges the critical role of all our industry supporters in making these benefits possible for organisations and individual women. The framework and resulting benefits will remain active across particular industries only through ongoing industry support.

Industry Partner Network Options


Supporters receive special offers and a monthly newsletter with leadership tips and expert commentary.

Partial scholarships for your members and staff for our flagship leadership development programs (available once per year).

Member discount offers to our events, including the Women’s Leadership Symposiums.

Industry Partnership

In addition to the supporter benefits, a Bespoke Partnership can include:

Special rates for our flagship leadership development programs.

Option for an exclusive cohort for your organisation – minimum numbers required.

Partnership story featured on our website and PR activity.